Originally Posted by
Name is Rolandman: i am turning 19 in 1 week or acouple days. Mods im good at: Aikido. Kinda mushu/wushu Twinswords(only used in tourneys) Kinda xspar. and some more. Why i want to join: everybody seems good at pretty mature and active enough i left Bad(Big and dangerous) to join rust i will put a replay to show how good i am in freeplay. What i will help out with: Clan vids recruiting Etc. Active [1-10] (6). Ingame active [1-10] (
Active [6-10] ingame active [8-10]
Can't read simple rules, can't tell the difference between the Recruitment Center and the Clan Discussion, poor app, said that you were active and you got 52 posts, poor replay and the list goes on. Also a spammer.