Originally Posted by Guner View Post
Hello guys,

I'm new in this clan and i'm for a trial time, my friend Lololerz helped me to join this clan and

i hope that i won't dissapoint you and will become a full member of NAO clan.

I dislike you already .-.
Originally Posted by Lololerz View Post
You dislike everybody

Not true.
I like my girlfriend c:
Originally Posted by Guner View Post
Who is kameron?

Some kid who's opinion doesn't matter.
Guys, i understood one thing, when i joined that clan i thought i will make tons of new friends but as i see here nobody likes me, so i'm sorry but i leave the clan, i'm feeling really unconfortable here .
LOL apple , you made me day :P

Also , i hate when people quit for 1 guy , i will not leave if there is a guy here that has problems about me .

Also no sun , i have the dumbest summer ever , it feels like there is no summer anymore ;O
Originally Posted by Guner View Post
When i see that i'm not liked in the clan i just quit, don't like that athmosfere.

for me you where welcome mate ;(

Also kam is not in our clan , so actualy you could stay here but you leaved .
Last edited by kakajade_old; Jun 29, 2013 at 03:39 PM.
what a sensitive fella, kameron isn't even in this clan xd
well w/e, like anyone cares
you disappointed this clan on the first day, good job sir
Last edited by Scorpio; Jun 29, 2013 at 01:30 PM.