Secret Santa 2024
Name: Jordan Nipper
Belt:brown but can get to black easily
Country and timezone:US, Central standard time
How active are you in-game and forums?(1-10):8 unless im told to slow down
Any clans you joined before us?(If yes, why did you leave/got kicked?): i join the One Piece clan but they weren't active and never did anything war wise
Contacts (Skype, E-mail, etc):my skype is jordan.nipper1 my email is [email protected]
What mod are you good in? (Optional: post replays):judo aikidobigdodjo, and most all of chilledons parkour mods parkour is my main shtick
What can you contribute to the clan?(Please make your claim strong,any proofs?):i can add a strong, kind, fighter with a lust for battle and a want, desire to make others happy and to be in a community i can do art, music and simple 3d modeling these are a few of my digital pics
Any bans/infractions?:none that i know of
Why do you want to [Ascend]?:i want a clan i can trust and one full of members ready to fight at any opportunity for their fellow members i like the recruiter i met and i have high hopes that most of the members are as calm and as easy to talk to like him but were all different so im also wanting variety in the awesomeness of the clan
Player Card( nick here.png <---please copy it and add [IMG] tags):
Did anyone refer you here?:yes one of the recruiters told me it would be a good idea to apply for the clan
Got some more to add?: in the short time i fought with the recruiter it was fun and i never felt like he would rage if he lost, his attitude was impeccable and a model example of a good player. interaction is something i appreciate highly but blatant bullying is something i have 0 tolerance for theres more to add but ill leave that for if i join
Last edited by jordannipper85; May 6, 2014 at 11:24 PM.
for info I'm leader of the clan with Prowler ^^ thks for the kind word, and about this "bullying" I didn't want to make you scared is just because I'm a bit angry atm about the disorganisation and the inactivity of the clan so now when I'm recruiting, I turn my face and I'm more serious this is my role, because I don't members who are here to be "here" and that's what I told you, so Ill wait prowler but I was thinking about an ancient rule, where if trial are inactive more than 3 days and never post in general chat -> Fired. cuz I really don't want this clan being a mill.
so about your app, we need artist +1 you are good at Abd (I tested you) +1 you are kind +1 you really want to be in the clan +1 40 victory left to the black +1 you come from Us like Granby this is cool for schedule +1 the only negative is you don't post enough and that's something where I have 0 tolerance because it might maybe you will not post in general too :/ -1 so promise to be active in general and in all the forum.
Without that point 6-1 point I say Yes
Elle couuurt, Elle coooourt! LA MAAAAaaaAaladiiiie d'amOOoour! Dans le c... (cœur) des enfaaants! De 16 à 77 ans!
i never said you were bullying silly XD you were extremely nice but i know some people can act "nice" when their around someone who can get them booted from the clan and i've personally been bullied a lot in my life so i know the line between joking and bullying i haven't made posts on the forums in general because no clan or one thread peaked my interest but if i join your clan i will give an honest effort to being community driven and active here like other places invite me and will accept with a quickness
hmm I understand... you don't know how much ^^u well you know my decision but you understand we work by voting system so: 2 yes left to be invite.
Elle couuurt, Elle coooourt! LA MAAAAaaaAaladiiiie d'amOOoour! Dans le c... (cœur) des enfaaants! De 16 à 77 ans!
Ok, I know first hand about bullying, secondly it's a good app, easy to understand. But your post count is awful. Please increase it as quickly as possible. Ascend is not some beginners step into clan playing, so don't expect me to be nice just because you "really want to be in clan".

However, I will put you into trial and IF you prove yourself and increase your posts, I might make you a full memeber.
Toribash Media |[TeamWushu]
deal but don't expect my posts to go through the roof just because you asked then id be a liar and "just" posting to be in a clan which is a complete lack of character on my part and makes me look like a try hard. same would go for you if you were "just" playing basketball cause your friends were then they quit so you quit it makes you look like a lap dog to their influence something i will never be i don't think your the type to be influenced easily anyway so you understand my conflict of interest in this matter right?
for the information, been active in forum make the clan being more famous, so even if you just want playing with us, you have to contribute in that way because, this is the most easy way and because We are interested by the future of the clan, this is a give and take situation, so, you don't want to be more competitive than that, contribute to the clan influence, we can't take someone like that, We Give and you give back, so if your not able to do that I have no choice and I change my decision, nothing personal, this is a Rule take or not, we didn't applied to make you come here. If you don't agree with that what can we do?
Elle couuurt, Elle coooourt! LA MAAAAaaaAaladiiiie d'amOOoour! Dans le c... (cœur) des enfaaants! De 16 à 77 ans!
for the information im not competing against anyone you said it yourself you and prowler are "trying" to keep the clan alive and active if i were competing at all id see more than a single application get accepted and see your clan in game which i don't hardly ever i went to your recruiting to fight and find a clan that likes to do that if you want to stick to being famous in forums then by all means i wish you the best of luck but im not gonna put effort toward someone who wants all and gives no reason why he should deserve it other than a sense of self entitlement because rank or post number its nothing personal but your clan seems fame hungry and to me thats very sad i thought with the gruff prowler had that this was a clan based on fighting not forum fame but i was wrong i mean for no ones feelings to be hurt by this post but this is the truth how i see it i hope your clan succeeds to your best wishes but its not the kind of clan i want to be a part of if this is how its leaders act towards recruits good day and i hope in the future we can be mutual fighters just having fun in game
hmm you said yourself you just want to play with us, I meant by "competitive" is be here for War another clan, so I understand you don't want war, So, I tell you, the other way to help us is to Post on forum. is it cool to play between us and all, but if you want to do that, create a Skype group, and Play! that all, you understand we got a Name "Ascend" Idk if you understand that? obviously this clan was glorious in the past, Me and Prowler are working on it. Forum activity and War are the key, if it was boring, we gave up, war is really fun, exiting.... well I lost my mind cuz I haven't got enough vocabulary but... in few words, you want to be here only for fun? sorry we got some objectives.

tell me if it's not clear Ill try to remake my post
Elle couuurt, Elle coooourt! LA MAAAAaaaAaladiiiie d'amOOoour! Dans le c... (cœur) des enfaaants! De 16 à 77 ans!