Originally Posted by TomWanks View Post
Neko its a pretty sweet game,

Pretty sure the TLL folk play this all the time, could be wrong though

If I downloaded it, would you guys play it with me? I like MMORPG's, but only if I'm playing with people I know on Skype n shit.
Originally Posted by Soap View Post
Coolio. Have you already started a character n shit?

Soap I have, but I can just make a new one
Does anyone here play Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2? I also have a MC acc. but i dont play much anymore. If anyone wants to add me on steam, my name is MilkDud/ tannerblatz. Also for skype, it is tanner.blatz (Tanner Blatz in Canada)
Proud Member of [Aquarius]
I nolife played maplestory a year ago ,then I was banned because my password was to easy to hack or something... Maybe you can play it, i stopped playing it because that ban and my graphics card is broken and im using a worse laptop now. Its 7gb. Probably the best f2p 2d game for pc.
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Ya I playd since 2008or something, my main is level 140, got some alts around 80.
My brothers still play it, they are pro with it, one of them is level 200 and the other 196 O.o
But i stopped playing it 3times already, all times I came back and first thing I did was spend like 25euro on it, if you dont want to lose money its a great game.
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