Alright then thanks Shevaroler but I have one more question, how much are these flames worth?
They were forged by Alphasonik but I cannot find how much the forge price was, the flames just seem to be......there
The flame id's are 1277 and 1278

Picture 1

Picture 2

Originally Posted by Drekz View Post
Alright then thanks Shevaroler but I have one more question, how much are these flames worth?
They were forged by Alphasonik but I cannot find how much the forge price was, the flames just seem to be......there
The flame id's are 1277 and 1278

Picture 1

Picture 2

Well forge prize really doesnt matter when selling flames.

I would say about 90k-120k.
Depends so much on buyer.

Originally Posted by Drekz View Post
Alright then thanks Shevaroler but I have one more question, how much are these flames worth?
They were forged by Alphasonik but I cannot find how much the forge price was, the flames just seem to be......there
The flame id's are 1277 and 1278

Picture 1

Picture 2

Looks to me like you're wearing 2 flames on each hand (judging the small particles in the background in the 2nd pic).

Worth around 80k.
[RAWR]SlipAnc: two girls, one Siku
[RAWR]Siku: I was talking about having dicks in my mouth
Oh Thanks dragon but they were only one flame on each hand, they were just specially forged. By the way thanks for all of you guy's help but these have been sold to someone for 120k.