Any special ingame actions? Run? Dance?: Runskills, and member of Dance Club
Are you Forum active?(more then 100 or more posts): A lil bit
Are you Ingame active?: More than Active
What is your best\favorite mod?: Wushu, Akido, but i can play all mods
Why should we pick you?: lot of skill, ask tajudden47
What do you have to offer this clan?: not much, only my skills, but lil bit creative at making wallpapers
Belt: 9th dan
Age: 17
Bans or Infractions: Not, got only blacklisted 2times at tourneys. was 5months ago
Previous Clans: FLAMES, DECAP
Do you make any art? Videos?: Nope
2 classic.tbm replays:
no one, only mp
2 Multiplayer replays:
Attachment 190465
Attachment 190466
Attachment 190467