Let's go then...
My name is Uros...
People call me Uros
In-game I'm known as Kelthazad
I have a blue belt in-game and a green in real-life karate...
I'm 14, I know that's a little young, and I probably don't have a chance here, but as I'm a complete optimist, I wanted to try my luck...
I won't include any replays, because I don't believe in that kind of stuff... Because really, I could just hire someone to make a replay, and then edit it... Right
I would like you to challenge me in game, or see my dancing skills... Which aren't perfect...
I haven't been in any clans before... Thought I'd start with one of the best, and work my way down...
I'm a pretty good artist, or I consider myself one... I'm very handy with Photoshop CS5...
As for my playing abilities, I mentioned above, I'm not half bad, I'm best at wushu and judo...
But I would like nothing more than to... well... Play against one of you... Because I like playing against pro's, i really learn a lot, sometimes I even win, if I get REALLY concentrated... 1 more thing, I don't use openers, I'm an improv-guy
And last but not least, the reason why I want to join Hit, is, well, because I would really like to get to know more people, make more friends, have fun playing around, and even if I don't get accepted, I would like to meet you guys, 'cuz you seem like a helpful bunch...
So, you read this far... That means that you either care about your clan, and want to make an effort to get the best people in Hit, or you're just trying to be a good person, and let me down easy...
All the best...
Uros M.
Last edited by Kelthazad; Dec 10, 2011 at 02:00 PM.