Real name: Joshua Huerta





quote:Perhaps we aren't that dumb, just some of us are too smart
But in all reality... I think I might be insane...
Nickname: Felepeno
Realname: Timmy M., Timatao, Tao, Tamatoe, Etc.
Age: 16
Location: Colorful Colorado
Clan: My ass is my clan!
Quote: "Bitch"
Hobbys: Video editing, Gaming
Employment: Race2Play Social Aspects.

And now im bored.
This is who I am.
Nickname: Tod, harry potter, cheese head, coach.
Age: 19
Location: U.S.A, Alabama.
Clan: Legend.
Quote: "ignorance is bliss, and you are so blissful."
Hobbys: Skateboarding, art of any kind, games, hanging out with friends and family.
Employment: Walmart atm... but I create websites, paint.

Yep that's what my life boils down to.

Nickname: Brandy-Kun-(Sudonym)
Real name: Brandon
Age: 16
Clan: Ethreal
Location: USA, Florida
Hobbies: Creating graphic art/videos
Quote: I use to cry all the time when i was hurt. But then i stopped crying. Because no one would help me...

And that's me. ^.^
Nickname: Jmoze
Realname: Jace
Age: 13
Location: U.S.A
Clan: Quest
Quote: The only thing I like about rich people, is their money.


My own format.
Nick: Nick
Real: Nicholas
Age: 15
Location: Florida. Born in Connecticut.
Motto: Hakuna Matata : D

The Grey :3

Movie: Never Back Down
Song: It's a hard one.. But I have to say.. The Anthem by Good Charlotte
Sport: Baseball
Subject: Drafting.(does that count?) If not, biology.
T.V. Show: Breaking Bad
Activity: Biking with a group of friends.
Food: Spaghetti :3
Nick: Moncho
Real: Ramon
Age: 13
Location: Philippines
Motto: Problems suck, I know :3
Master of the arcane arts
Real name: Sutton Kowalski
Nick name: slender man ( im 6'11)
Age: 16
Location: Alaska
Likes: Trains, long walks on the beach, music, and being a brony
Dislikes: Bullies, scammers, and trolls
Favorite qoute: Id rather be a smart dumbass than a dumb smartass.
Job: Car mechanic , I love my job
Last edited by Apex; Sep 21, 2012 at 05:23 AM.
If only everyone could be as sexy as me
Nickname: pat
Realname: patrick
Age: 11
Location: Lebanon
Clan: Legacy
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