If Jelly is a girl that is auto-NO. I don't believe girls. They are not trustworthy at all.
And if it isn't a girl but a boy in girl clothes then how to trust someone who is hiding behind sex mask on internet. So: NO, period.
Ishi? Idk who that is to be honest.
When I was on staff IRC Ishi spoken only once. And it wasn't some universe wisdom sentence (which you would expect from a guy who never speaks), but some random bla-bla... So, nope.
I would need at least few days of steady Skype talk with him to know to whom I have to reveal my stuff.
There is you William. And maybe one-two guy(s) from flow.
Anyway, for those interested here is the link to program you must have to be able to test our game with us:
Then we must talk on Skype how to set Lackey and to tell you the rules of the game, after which you will be granted a link to plugin with Steam Flow, tactical trading card game.