Old clans:Karma and BtK
Why you would like to join:I love DAT because all Guys in DAT are active
Best mod:AikidoBD
how long been playing:1-2 years
Belt:5 th dan black belt (rank 212)
Old clans:Karma and BtK
Recieved any infractions?:Yes. useless post :/
If yes include why.
Why you would like to join:I love DAT because all Guys in DAT are active
Best mod:AikidoBD
Extra information:I make good replays in singleplayer (Sp) ^^
hey guys ty for all you have say
but pika : i am from Germany and i not very good in english ! (sorry ^^)
and eduardo : i haven't left BtK all Guys from BtK moved to Karma !
and me too but all in karma are inactive !
and i will play with my clan members
and ok coke tyvm