Yea, I try and help with things here and there. If you ever need any help or what ever, just PM me. I try and visit the clans I'm allienced with here and there, but it's hard to remember to visit them all.
Unfortunatly, Parrot is also going through some tough times. We don't have any Co-Leaders, and Donseluke has almost no trust to let anyone be a Co-Ldr. We also only have Donseluke as our Clan Board moderator, so when he's gone the board tends to become a little spammish. We've lost a few members due to activity problems, causing others to leave. Our IRC used to be full almost everyday, now it's empty almost everyday. I'm trying to reshape the clan, but I can only do what Donseluke will intrust me with. If he doesn't trust me, I can't help.