Christmas Lottery
Picture isn't showing up.
-- Jet -- Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. --

Cogito ergo sum. I think therefor I exist.

I know it's true because it says so right here in this signature.
Oh, lulz
-- Jet -- Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. --

Cogito ergo sum. I think therefor I exist.

I know it's true because it says so right here in this signature.
Im so awesome :/
Last edited by AikidoKP; May 11, 2012 at 10:10 AM.
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥((((/\/\WOLFE ORKO/\/\))))♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Yes you did
-- Jet -- Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. --

Cogito ergo sum. I think therefor I exist.

I know it's true because it says so right here in this signature.