Booster/Toribash prime information: I have toriprime till next december
Anything else you wish to add: I have elf force, elf misc, demon relax. Has the item: a test item, and has body texture item. Full textures but trails, which i sold recently.
Things i have no qi or rare:
FULL elf
Demon force/lax
pure force lax blood timer usertext emote.
Typhon force lax blood and some misc of it
A test item
Body texture
Demolition usertext
ALSO, i have 2.3k+posts
Achievements: Roid Rage, Olympian, Green Thumb, Violence Perfected, Sensei, Legacy, Aqua, Shaman, Elf, Toxic, Marine, Gladiator, and should have(which means updating) crimson, old gold, chronos, juryo, and copper
i have demon force lax, full elf, pure force lax blood, full old gold, many other full sets, a bunch of sets, full textures except trails, and like 13 flames
Items: full texture set, full bump map set, icon, full pure, alpha imperial force/blood/ghost/timer/grip/usertext/emote
Booster/Toribash prime information: none
Anything else you wish to add: shop link ( if it is illegal to post it here I'm sry and I will remove it)
I think there's a million + of tc in items there
also I have a set (art) praised at 75-100k, and one more 150k-200k