Originally Posted by Uberis View Post
Yeah sure, you warned us.
I'm so bored...
We need new, uber active members :P

Implying I'm not on everyday or every other day.
Sorry Guys
Sorry guys i was inactive about 4weeks, because i was in a hospital, i hadnīt internet there. So im not completly back, i must pick up my school stuff now, and learn a lot.

So i will play sometimes

yes im okay =)

i will tell u the story why i was in the hospital.

4weeks ago i was in the disco, and my ex-gf called me with the handy. i take my handy and answere her, she needed help and i went to help her. So i met her and she told me whats up... about 5minutes later 3guys came up there, they was alcoholized, they wanted trouble. i say to her that she have to go, she went to my friend. 1hour later i called my friend and he comes to me. They broked my arm and a leg, so thats because i was in the hospital.

But now im already fit =)
yeah thx for waiting, and my doc says itīs really good the healing process, i will start next week to do some sport, and to get my power back in there^^

but really shit was that my gf didnt say thx... i think she cant do it