Belt: green
Rank: 10034
Special Talents:
Fav Mods: jousting,twin swords,judo
Reason for wanting to join: i like to improve my skills,and i am in good contribution
Previous Clan:none
User Name: doomjoshua
User Card:i don't know
Guys i know the belt rank but it people like pihtija and doom that actually stay with the clan. Mana has left the clan to go with FA, Guys think about has pihtija left yet but after 2 days mana has left
I say yeah and guys airstrike he does not wanna say we he has not been on toribash, but its major he says. There should be two co-ldr because i did treat him bad and i feel horrible. Ballsoffire you might be coming ldr with me if you pick up your game this is a test try so yerim adding air back to the list. if youd dont want me too then say no