i got a message from someone saying they would invite me if i posted a app on their form, and it was someone from a good clan, i forget what it was but i left to join it, and when i posted he said N0pe
Life is a vertue.
So. Would a member be worthy to get back to the clan he quit without even a doubt?
Explain me. Why would we send you an invite, if you simply dumped us?
also, u a smaert lel xd
what caln asked you for taht?

also fuck school
fuck physics
fuck everything
fuckffuckfuckfufkcufkcufkcuffkcufkcufkcuckfuckfufk cufckfukccufkcufkfuckfucfuckfuckfufkcu
I finished the damn thing. Fuck it.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
What did that guy say to make you quit without any reason like that?
We should totally learn from that guy and steal some other clans' members too *triggerhappyspam*

ah anyway, here are my short replays (plus a pseudo-random lengthy one),
no parkour and other cool stuff, but hey, one or two short replays won't hurt

also where's Kamouri
Attached Files
+2.rpl (139.2 KB, 11 views)
+3.rpl (171.0 KB, 6 views)
+4.rpl (244.7 KB, 10 views)
maccaa14.rpl (1.37 MB, 6 views)
Last edited by J0Y; Jun 15, 2012 at 01:34 AM.
Step out of your skin, put it in a jar. I thought they were my friends, but they were cannonballs.
since Art is talking like dis i will tu. So ferst he sed "yo su dawg, wanna j0in my clan?" it wuz somone from syN a old clan o apped for but got rejected for being in nao. now he said to leave ur old clan and i did but he sai N0pe and i was stuck with teh no clanz
Life is a vertue.
Indeed, quite an amusing story. There is only one thing that ceases to amaze me, though.
How You, being an intellectual being and not under any affects of intoxicating substances, can tell us that You have simply betrayed us by applying to another clan while having our tag and demand an invite to get in?
Actions you described above explicitly show us how unimportant our clan actually is to you.
Correct me, if I'm wrong.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
yush you are wrong, i applied a long time ago, before i got into nao, and i was "Trolled" by the message and i was amazed to see how they accepted me after all those months.
Secondly i think that new clans are better for people than just to stick to one clan all their life, so i though a new experience would be fine.
Life is a vertue.
why do they need someone who can leave anytime without saying a single word?
Last edited by Scorpio; Jun 15, 2012 at 06:04 AM.
Originally Posted by NAOvault View Post
Alright, so, organized a betting server, /jo nao :>

Yeah, that was awsum. Should do this more. The best thing is, the global even actually payed off :o

and mechanical, sorry. We're not like you've imagined we would be. If you want to be in a clan, you can't just simply swap to another one. This is something more than just an "experience".
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc

Woot! New sig for my other forum woot woot! \o/
But I did the same thing as Mechanical.
Also I'm about to start updating the member list if no one else does it now.
Like as we speak I have a tab open so I can kick the majority of the testicles now.