Originally Posted by DeathxCall View Post
hi, deathxcall, blue belt, almost brown, i would like to join this clan because i know there's something good coming this clan will rise to the top, and when it dose i wanna be a part of it, im a great fighter, im pretty good at parkour, and i play alot i know im only blue belt but im ranked 446 in the world i am very good, and i think you should give me a chance, i would really really love to join this clan.

ok! now pick your bags and gtfo :3
jirado no viraya
Death read my last post before even thinking about applying like that!!!
"Whats with the steering wheel in your pants?" "ARGH! It's driving me nuts!" Phantom Co-Leader!
Originally Posted by papasmurfa View Post
It's funny because he also super lifts

Like... lifted then walked across the dojo and out


then hell no!
"Whats with the steering wheel in your pants?" "ARGH! It's driving me nuts!" Phantom Co-Leader!
Stop with these idiot applications good lord these apps take less effort than performing a nooblet Clap.
Present to me the most beautiful woman, and I shall reward you with chronos
No to everyone that applied since my last post.

Azure, noob clap works like a charm in judo. If you opponent is afk when you do it in judo, you dm both of his arms.
New requirements;
Black belt and above
Must be invited to apply
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