Tiger not to be rude, but I think that when someone asks you to summarize your ideas, I'm pretty sure that that word drops dead out of the sky for you...
Anyways, Wannin I agree most restaurants have wine and alcohol available on their menus, which makes it even harder for people who are alcoholics to resist the temptation to drink. That fact is made even worse when your waiter asks you if you want it. I can't remember how many times I've gone out to dinner with my family, and had to tell my dad not to drink since he's driving, made worse since he was once an alcoholic. Admittedly most teenagers who start drinking don't drink because they like the taste. They start since they believe that drinking makes them appear cool, and advertisements on T.V. don't help, what with lying and deception. Most drinkers on T.V. appear to have the best time when their drinking and then when their sober, they appear to be completely in the dumps. True story by the way, a girl in my school came into class hammered out of her mind, smelling like vodka. The only reason our teacher didn't notice that was because A) She's been like that everyday getting hammered during lunch and B) Our teacher didn't smell the vodka since his sense of smell is almost gone. Then she vomits on the floor, falls asleep, falls into her vomit and gets suspended... I'm just glad that it wasn't one of my friends.
On the topic of smoking, I have a friend whose dad quit smoking 25 years ago. Every time he walks past someone who's smoking he has the urge to grab the cigarette out of his hands. This is due to the fact that inside nicotine, the main chemical of cigarettes, the companies insert thousands of highly addictive and dangerous chemicals, just to get you hooked faster, and make you pay more in medical fees. In fact if they didn't add any chemicals to it, most likely half the population of America wouldn't be hooked. It doesn't help that the way they make it is 10 times as addictive as pretty much every kind of drug you can think of put together. TRichard, quitting smoking is definitively harder then getting off of anything else. Don't feel so down about it, it's not entirely your fault, you may have made the decisions to smoke when you were younger, but if companies didn't put all of that crap into cigarettes, chances are you wouldn't be addicted. As long as you try to get off of them, that's what counts, not the fact that you are. It takes an incredible amount of willpower to get off.
I just realized as I finished this, I wrote too much...