Real Name: LaDarius Wyatt
Age: 19
Belt (3rd Dan Black Belt or higher):Currently 3rd
Steam Name (optional):Ryu500AD
Skype Name (optional):OtakuReii
Why do you want to join (go into detail!):Because I was told to put in a application by Dime and you guys are number 1.
What can you offer WarHead? (Skills, Humor, art, etc... Please show proof of this! If it's "Humor", I want a really good joke.): I can offer good advice and my fighting skills on toribash.
Something interesting about you:Currently in the military army branch. I'm currently serving in Korea as of now.
What aren't you... Tell us the things you absolutely aren't: I'm not really a mean person but I don't really tend to get mad at things at all no matter the situation I believe you should handle it with care and like a gentlemen at all times.
Do you know someone in the clan/recommended by someone?:Mbii and Dime.
Previous clans?:[Fake] [C]lan
Time zone:+9 Osaka
Previous names/alt accounts?: Ryu30
In-game activity on a scale of 1-10: 7
Forum activity on a scale of 1-10:5
Please Type "WarHead is the best" as creatively possible 3 times:WarHead is the Best. The Best is WarHead. Best Warhead is indeed.
p.s Bump
Real name: Pavel Mihai
Age: 13
Belt: 5th dan black belt
Steam name: JazeR
Skype name: JazeR
Why do you want to join: Well for like 4 months i didn't have a clan, and also i want a family in this community. I want friends, not just to have a tag at name.
What can you offer to WarHead: Well here i can auto deny because i can't give any skills sorry, i am dissapoiment that i don't know to make art or video making.
Something intresting about you: Well at the moment i am only a student, but i have a big dream TO BECOME AN AIRPLANE PILOT! And i want to realise my dream.
What aren't you: Well i am not a criminal, a robber, or a bagger
Do you know someone in the clan/recommended by someone: I don't really now somenoe in this clan but i want to know you and to be friends. I am not recommended by someone but i belive in my chances.
Previous clans: Reborn
Time zone: EEST +03:00
Previous names/alt accounts: No/azzefirr
In-game activity: well i don't know to use scale 1-10 so i say i play this game every day
Forum activity: Same every day.
WarHead is the best!!
WarHead is the best!!
WarHead is the bets!!
My card