I just got GIMP again so I might start making shitty textures again to shill some tc lol

Any pointers/tips? Im sooooooo rusty, been like 3+ years
The Official [Evil] Hitman
CashGod | ♫ Joven Dios ♫
ask drone for help he teaches me too he's good :o


• [OLDA] • Striking Reborn • [RMO] •
• I Am Flame Fairy & Do Misc Art. Pm Me For Requests! •
Originally Posted by Ryder24 View Post
I just got GIMP again so I might start making shitty textures again to shill some tc lol

Any pointers/tips? Im sooooooo rusty, been like 3+ years

More details and shading

big image

Here's version 1.0 of Winston.

No mouth,
No hooves,
Has some sharp edges,
Legs are unfinished.

Based off of this character:

Using Blender v.2.79



New v1.1


Last edited by Goat; Oct 27, 2017 at 05:01 PM.
Thats a really nice start.
I say texturise it, render it and use it as a floor texture
evil Führer of Evil
that looks great poly. from classic plain to all spicy evil.


• [OLDA] • Striking Reborn • [RMO] •
• I Am Flame Fairy & Do Misc Art. Pm Me For Requests! •
I tried to keep the feel of the original font, but i used a different font entirely that had a similar styling, then i fixed up the font by adding in details myself. I decided on entirely different, new looking horns the idea i had in my mind worked out well. then i thought i could add something else. and i added the hand. it is a little messy but i tried.
I am evil.