Uhm...why is the blacklist in the 'member list' section? Is there anything to do with it?(Just asking.)
Have any questions? Need help? PM me!
Yeah, he can't join Guardians again. I still don't know if he can post here though.

Speaking of Gundams, I recently finished building one. Feels like I achieved something.
you already have the password to GuardShop somewhere in your older pm's (when I sent it to you) and GuardShop can access the Forbidden Temple now.
Wow, happy birthday Jorrei ! ;)
Hope you got a nice day with your family.

And sorry i can't give you a present, probably i'll give you something later. ;)
Originally Posted by joshuaDA View Post
hey, i finnaly got 2000 posts. this is my 2000 and 1 post :3 and what did koorwayne did to be in the blacklist?

*smack* "say happy birthday"

Happy Birthday Jorrei