Christmas Lottery
Lol, luck )

Mobi:Awesome replays,but try to do more in them. It feels like something is left out.

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!Rick James.rpl (220.9 KB, 6 views)
!Yo dude where is my car.rpl (227.5 KB, 6 views)
Strictly a replay maker with a LOW amount of tc. (;
1st - 2slow i think and 2grabby but its still nice madman
2nd - nice idea with knee shot but its still 2grabby try to minimalise this.


dieman_dr violence.rpl
Dr violence was rape. Great job.
Therapy's second kick looked like it couldve beens stronger, but quick splitcap.

Here's a capsplit I put together, I call it a cap split because of the sequential order of dms in the replay
Attached Files
Crap.rpl (159.7 KB, 8 views)
Strictly a replay maker with a LOW amount of tc. (;
Pretty nice, the decap could have more power and it was kinda stiff.
You see what I did there?
Attached Files
Uke - Change.rpl (143.9 KB, 8 views)
Stop microwave at one second. Feel like a bomb defuzer.
lololol carloz, the boom was ok....Skeet made it look better :3.
Attached Files
Sexting 101 edit.rpl (224.4 KB, 9 views)
Strictly a replay maker with a LOW amount of tc. (;
Very nice pose, and a good replay all around, but seriously kylan? If you're gonna throw the chest at the head, make it hit the head!!
Attached Files
Double- The old one two.rpl (172.2 KB, 6 views)
I wasnt making a skeet, although I thought about it afterwards lol.

I like the replay. but I think you could've destroyed the legs..

I dont think I spelled the name of this replay right
Attached Files
BeZerKeR.rpl (128.9 KB, 8 views)
TwoBoom combo okey.rpl (112.7 KB, 7 views)
Strictly a replay maker with a LOW amount of tc. (;
Bezerker - You probably ment berserker. Too graby and stiff, nice booms tho. 6.5/10
TwoBoom combo okey - Again graby, stiff, slow, but the booms were sweet. 7/10
(just not my style)
Attached Files
Baygonn - Balerina.rpl (85.7 KB, 7 views)
Stop microwave at one second. Feel like a bomb defuzer.