Quick example to further explain this script I'm wanting...
A script that freezes your tori so you can get that solid pose. This would be really helpful and save replay makers a lot of time on modifiying a tori's stance thank you :
List of auto commands!
Something like you would press a specified button like f2, then it would bring up a list of pre-entered commands. once one is clicked, it will auto type it in for you into the text/command bar, then you can edit it to how you want it, then enter it!
Quick example to further explain this script I'm wanting...
Stance or pose script:
A script that freezes your tori so you can get that solid pose. This would be really helpful and save replay makers a lot of time on modifiying a tori's stance thank you : ).. Also a script that stops momentum with a press of a button. Thanks.. Please pm me if you've made the mod or your in process , and that's IF you want or have time .
Guys. Are you serious? Do you even know how to "edit" replays? Have you ever seen a replay in it's code?
I think it's impossible to make pose script because of tori's stance.
It's very much possible. Have you even seen what other people have done? Go ask Isolations, NutHug, Jisse, or even Fluttershy.
Fluttershy submitted a replay to one of the old ConCon Weekly Challenges where he basically teleported around while frozen The Grudge style to get to Uke and fuck him up.