Originally Posted by
Name: ImMatthew
Belt: blue
Clan History: No over clans
Who recruited you: Sastu13 kinda recomended me
Reason For applying: Its a nice clan
Do you have skype?: Not yet
"I have read and will abide by the 'rules of Secret' list.": (yes/no) Yes
"I have a black belt or higher and 50+ post": (yes/no) If no DONT post at all
2 Multilayer Replays
also i have a replay of me beating aitor
First things first, your stiff. Your good, but your stiff, and in there lies your flaw.
Your replays were good, but not necessarily great.
You do not meet the belt requirement, and it would be better suited for you to go to SecretBash, although it would be quite unfair.
Please re-apply when you start relaxing a bit more, and get to black belt or higher. Thank you.
Don't get me wrong, your a good player, but just relax more and you will be more favourable. (I'm Canadian, I spell that with a "u").