Doxxy = overseer
I let everyone else put their input in and i usually go with them unless i think other wise.

If i recall void used to be prada, and i used to know prada. So yes.
Aka jusmi.
Originally Posted by Habeeb
He told us that he broke the processor.

And the other? With google chrome, etc?

And, yes, prada.
So, someone have anything against him? Or everyone agree?
Void used to be cool as fuck but then he got power abusive fag.
If he is still the same it's a no no.
It's All About Expansion
Originally Posted by Danzos
If he is still the same it's a no no.

No. Without power he's a cool faeg.

Well, let's wait until tomorrow. I'll tell to him to join #bsns, so we can talk about this.
The only power I had was as a GM. I hosted a lot of beginner tourneys and beginner server sat frequently. I miss that. I applied for art mod!
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