What is your name in real life:decio
What is your name in-game:deciokiller
How many time do you spend in-game: 3 hours
how many time do you spend in-forums:1 hour
What is your belt: black belt
What is you best mod: wushufixed
Why do you wanna join? :well ... I want to get in Psy because I always wanted to join a clan official
I can greatly help your clan
WHat is you GMT: 2 hours
Why do you think that you are [PsY] material:
Show us 3 single player replays and 3 multiplayer replays: member
With what you can help the clan? :winning battles until you reach the top rank of the clan list.
What is your name in real life:Zack
What is your name in-game:Vermass
How many time do you spend in-game:3 hours a day
how many time do you spend in-forums:2hours a day
What is your belt: ( it really afect your possibilities to be in [PsY]) 5thdan
What is you best mod: ( Just one no more ) Judo
Why do you wanna join? This clan is a very organised clan.Youre players are pro and forum active.Your clan anme rocks and this clan will last long with 2 good leaders.
WHat is you GMT:GMT plus 2
Why do you think that you are [PsY] material:I am forum active and game active oh and I am very good with art.
Show us 3 single player replays and 3 multiplayer replays :I am very sorry but I cant post replays you can see me ingame if you want.
With what you can help the clan? I can make sets for the clan for free.I amforum active so the clan would gain a good reputation.
What was your past clans?I havent been in many clans because I search for the best and here you are
Aero121 Neutral,