Christmas Lottery
There is absolutely no way I will even allow that to happen.

Also on the subject of school, I am trying to set up a project that will win time, and even makes it possible to complete these books. We are a tad behind on some subjects. It involves a lot of luck, that anyone even wants to help me with it, but I think I can manage to skip a whole schoolyear with it, if successfully.

How was your Easter?
Originally Posted by Hugo View Post

"What you think about merge raku and SyN? with the name SyN but co-leader powers to raku leaders
I'll talk with kevin, and you with wolf, kamura and elvis."

yeah, the translation should be anything like this.

dafuq is dat?

Ahahahahah that made me laugh.
Merging is not full power to one side if I remember correctly :/
Hi again everyone :D
I'm not feeling too bad about the idea.

SyN is awesome.
But then some mergings have actually destroyed clans instead of helping them.
free my melanin-enhanced fellow bobby shmurda
Kony's #1 Shooter
8:21 PM <duck> I'll touch your market all over

August Ames didn't die for this
I think I should limit Shade from giving silly ideas to raku members.
Last edited by Hero; Apr 10, 2012 at 04:47 PM.
Hi Akmal.

Also, despite our number of members, we're more active than last month, don't you guys think?
Frost is pretty cool
Originally Posted by Hugo View Post

"What you think about merge raku and SyN? with the name SyN but co-leader powers to raku leaders
I'll talk with kevin, and you with wolf, kamura and elvis."

yeah, the translation should be anything like this.

dafuq is dat?

There are a lot of Australian based phrases that would aptly sum up my initial reaction to such a proposal. Firstly, that's not a merge if all power goes to one side. (That's a takeover) Secondly, no on ethical grounds that I love you all and no one else gets to have you. And thirdly I'm just going to assume Syn is having issues right now.

Also, Yes, I would also agree that activity is up compared to last month, if you so wish we could take a note of how many posts we get per month whilst excluding posts that could be called spammy.

Also... is that something that was sent to you Hugo or it that something you spotted in their board. (And thanks for the translation)
The depressing moment when you realize Satan and 'The Devil' are apt personal descriptions...
In my opinion raku have no problems apart from the slight inactivity, and that could be fixed with a few new members. Again, I suggest some sort of big event. I could help to cover the costs if you guys decide to do anything.
Tint is sex.
The real question would be " Would the tourney be only raku members (maybe allies) or is it going to involve other members of the community.

The second one has as high a chance to fail as the 1st one. I don't really like them because they tend to get very confusing and hard to manage.

For the first, we are a bit inactive and we have only about 5 members who are active.
free my melanin-enhanced fellow bobby shmurda
Kony's #1 Shooter
8:21 PM <duck> I'll touch your market all over

August Ames didn't die for this
I believe that every player should be able to participate, if they couldn't, how would that help us with the recruiting?
Hats off, 5 members are keeping this board active. ; D

Also, I'm sorry for my inactivity. I had to go to school.
Last edited by Kamura; Apr 12, 2012 at 07:52 PM.
Frost is pretty cool