Name: mant
Age: 14
Timezone (GMT): +1
Belt: brown almost black
Overall Forum/Ingame/IRC Activity: most ingame when i start talking also allot in forum
Previous clans: Human and 50k
Talents: not dqing and teakwando
Why you want to join us: i like chess
How we can benefit from you as a member: i am a very nice person
why is my name hampa?
well thats a stupid april fools
i am defenitly not hampa
when will this change?
tommorow i hope
No, to the n-th degree.
That's it, I'm getting rid of the application format. This is annoying, seeing all these shitty applications.
....and if you spend 3 hours on the forums, and ingame then you should have more than ONE FUCKING POST...
Name: popoi21
Age: 8
Belt: Brown Belt
Timezone (GMT): -8
Overall Forum/Ingame/IRC Activity: everyday like 3 hours :P
Previous clans: none
Talents: art
Why you want to join [Chess]?: Im a Friendly Person and Kind.