I'm going to respond to your points, and drop it, because apparently you are not mature enough to do so. First, I'd like to start off with an introduction.
First of all, all I've stated thus far was my opinion. The only reason why I've turned ad hominem on you personally (see the first response of my previous post) was because you did in your very first response (see middle of your first response to me). I've tried to show nothing but respect for you as a human, but the only reason why I'm being an acrimonius bastard is because you have not extended any respect to me nor my views. Your personal "experience" means nothing in a logical debate, anything you say related to it is heresay. Facts are what matters in a debate such as this, and I have seen nothing of the sort in your posts.
A: Well congratulations, you must feel so special. How about the several hundred-thousand that have tried to quit and succeeded? People have quit on their first try, so again, my point still stands: having willpower is the only way to quit. Obviously, if you are still smoking after several attempts, you don't have enough willpower, or you would have quit long before this point.
B: I never said it would work for everyone, but I am suggesting that you try. Or would you like to keep smoking? If you haven't tried it, how do you know that it will not work for everyone? Do you think that everyone is able to come up with a plan like that, or do you think that everyone just stops completely at once? If you think the latter, then of course no one will be able to quit, because they need their fix. I suggest that you try it before you criticize it, because if you succeed, then you have no one else to thank but me.
C: As opposed to a "fake" smoker? Why is it in quotes? Why is it capitalized? God damnit, my grammar OCD is kicking in again, apologies. You should know what I'm talking about, it's not rocket science, and you should be insulted, because I feel insulted when I'm called judgemental or narrow-minded, if you feel oh so offended, then maybe you should try not to treat people the same way, eh? Also, I'm not a know-it-all, but I like to back up arguments with facts, instead of "look at me, I'm suffering, don't blame me, blame the drug". That crap is absolutely bogus, it's no one's fault that you are addicted to smoking but yourself, not your parents, not your friends, not the drug companies, just you. Also, I can use your point B against you here, just because it's so difficult for you to quit doesn't mean that it's impossible for others to quit. Try not to lump all smokers into a group of helpless infantile addicts.
D: In case you haven't noticed, people die from smoking and drinking every day. Cancer of the brain, heart, liver, lungs, throat, drunk driving incidents, internal bleeding, heart attack, stroke, drowning in vomit, etc. This isn't in movies, this is happening down the street from me. Don't you dare tell me that I have no knowledge of the world today. How dare you consider me an ignorant member of society, when I'm making the right choices to improve the quality of my life and those around me, while you and your drug buddies are degrading yours day in and day out.