Kordiss I'll give you an analysis.
The decap was nice, lots of momentum, and was a fluid hit. I would have prefered no grabbing as it is just a decap replay but your grab let you develop that momentum which makes the replay nice, so it's an acceptable grab.
Loved the split, you really should follow through with that replay. Not much I can see in terms of flaws except that it seems incomplete ending right after the split.
The madman is the problem for me. While it's not a bad madman, it's not above average. There were parts where more dismembers could have happened with just a little bit more micro managing of the parts. Also, after the initial punches, the speed of the replay declines and becomes boring. If you could decrease the length of time between dismembers, the replay would be satisfactory. But that's just me, if another recruiter approved of it then I can overlook those problems.