Because of Hurricane Sandy, Halloween was postponed until next Wednesday.
How that's even possible is beyond me.

Gives me more time to make my costume though.


[04:34] <siku> i can already tell you 2 are awful since piratez is a terrible clan that cares about post count above everything else
Originally Posted by Saint View Post
find girlfriend

But it is still awesome to see new people in sexy pictures that you know.

Originally Posted by Sicks View Post
Nope, we don't even dress up here.
80% of people in my country are muslims.

Yeah sure we can't eat pig.
But polygamy is legal here. :p

Yeah but still awesome way to troll muslims/jews or vegetarians that actually go trick or treating :D

Wait, Sicks, are you muslim too?
there was kids running from house to house asking trick or treat. I was at friend house. he said he does not give a shit about Halloween etc. so when he saw kids at doors he did not open it, he told them to 'go away' and instead of walking away he was looking through the viewfinder at them. they get out a ketchup bottle and they wanted to pour it out on his doors. he suddenly opened doors and yelled 'RAAAAAAA!' (something like that). I did not know that kids can run so fast. just to say, I can describe my friend with word 'viking'. epic beard, muscled, overall scary type of look. tho he's sweet inside <3
Originally Posted by Saint View Post
I can describe my friend with word 'viking'. epic beard, muscled, overall scary type of look. tho he's sweet inside <3

Olaf, Is that you ?