Current Rank: First Mate
Rank You Want To Achieve: Captain
Why You Feel You Deserve Said Rank: I've been here for like 15 months.
What Have You Done For The Clan: I moderate this clan for 1 year and 1 month.
How Long Have You Been In The Clan: 15 months.
Lol, just kidding.
You do realized that everyone will try to get a promotion right?
Then we will be running low on low-ranked members, I suggest we should just promote few member, like 3 or 5 and make the promotions only for cannonners and below. There are 4 members in corsair position, but because MadV and Squirrel is currently away, lets just say there are only 2. So we need more cannonners and corsairs.
Have we made the recruitment thread yet?
EDIT: Wait, you judge all applications alone?
Last edited by Sicks; Mar 20, 2011 at 01:08 PM.