Originally Posted by
Now that i think about it exhaust would be good but his slow is all you really need.
If your doing baron or dragon, sure flash helps but its not necessary. If you are being interrupted at baron then you chose a bad time because atleast 3 enemies should be dead and the others should be on minimap. Dragon doesn't need smite if you use lees passive correctly.
Thirdly, they have no way of knowing unless they see you. Derp. Your jungling and its easy to avoide them.
4th id prolly go exhaust and flash
source a reasonable brain not just repeating tactics for ~130 games
Now let me point out your flaws unless you're level 3 and playing with the same levels.
Regarding baron or dragon - If the enemy team has ANY SENSE AT ALL they will have both of them warded. If they also have any sense they will have a jungler, who, since I imagine will be somewhat smart, will have smite. You start baron or dragon, jungler comes along and
STEALS it when it's low HP and you can't do anything about it because as, for example, a Lee Sin at level 10 getting Dragon, the most DPS you put out in one second is probably 200~ while smite would deal 1000~. It doesn't matter if 4 of them are dead, if the jungler or ANY of them is up and they have a ward on the point then there is a huge chance of it getting stolen.
Saying that Dragon shouldn't be a problem if you know how to Lee Sin's passive is stupid because getting Dragon with any jungler is not a problem, it doesn't matter if you can take it's health down if it get's stolen by someone using
smite. Also, you should be getting Dragon at level 7 max with Lee Sin.
Lee Sin doesn't need anything except Smite and
Ghost/Flash because he already has a skillshot slow(with red) that allows him to close the gap between anybody your ganking. He then has an AoE slow, a jump towards wards/allies and if ganking at level 6, a huge knockback.
When you start playing ranked, or against a decent pre-made or coordinated team you
will get counter jungled at level 1 and you
will have wards set up in your jungle for the enemy jungler to counter you, take mobs for decreased exp and steal buffs.
Please, just trust the majority of us when we say that just because you
can jungle with Lee Sin, doesn't mean you should, because it makes it
A LOT worse, or more over useless compared to a real jungler using smite.