Did you read the rules? They have to be eligible, not in a clan, you have to post a copy of your invite and their response.
Last edited by TomPaine; May 31, 2010 at 06:40 PM.
PigeonHive Flap Buzz
Why the hell did you invite guys that are already in clans?
Wow I invited Kristis133 he said he will check it out (Last week)

Originally Posted by ruadhan
Why the hell did you invite guys that are already in clans?


There is no point of inviting people who are already in clans.

Last edited by Ruadhan; May 31, 2010 at 08:00 PM.
Heres the old convo with me and Kristis

Originally Posted by Kristis133
Originally Posted by LILTERROR

Why does Omega want you? You have big breast and we want to sex you up. No seriously you are an active member on forums and in-game. You have a great rep and the community doesn't hate you. You speak proper grammar and is a strong player. I hope you accept this offer and apply here

Omega going strong since 08-16-2009

You have big breast and we want to sex you up.

Sounds pretty good.
Anyways i'll consider on your offer.

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