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No offense zarith... But i kinda want to make the banner... I have a job in both computer artwork and real drawing... So I guess u could say I'm a pro XD
And that drawing wasn't made by you Zarith!!! I know the person who made it! I know him from a book... He is an illustrator
Oh and zarith we have already solved that problem. So your paragraph was for nothing!
Sorry zeirth spelled your name wrong
Who made u devil anyways!!!
Last edited by lumpysolo; Jan 13, 2011 at 04:11 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
click it?
tell me what you think? lol just got bored
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Last edited by prue0001; Jan 13, 2011 at 05:35 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
@ Lumpy

I as asked two make a jab at making a banner; have not started on it yet though, so feal free? O_o;
Also, Can I see some of your work? I'm allays interested in new styles, I'm currently leaning heavy onto amine, mainly because I can't do noses, (the only time I've drawn a good nose with pencils)
What is your friends name? I'll disprove it was your friend who drew it as soon as you say his name or fail to say it, either way. -_-
No skin off my back, ideas are just that, ideas, and I speak before I think, so I don't mind my ideas getting shot down :3
No problem! there are several corruptions I've made for this name, Zerath is one, then there is other verients Zinerath, Zinerith, Zerwrath, Etc. But I've never started it with "Zar", hmm, I'll look into that for potential characters ^_^ *steals the new spelling.* And, in general, it only bugs me when it, the corrupting of a name, is don in a way that changes the meaning of a name, but this name is one I've made up, so in order to do so you would have to be very childish about it ^_^
Twinsword2 declared me a normal recruiter for aikido, ThePureOne is the only one in the clan who can edit the top/first post, no mod has a reason to edit me into it, and there's alot of recruiter positions open, and so I think that has something to do with it.
There're also alot of recruterpostions open so it hardly hurts things to let me be one, and as for being a devil; it might look bad if there is a rank that is not used.

My question here is; why dos it matter? I'm not the best there is, I've never said that, never implied it, but I know I'm good, Not great, not bad, I'm upper tire and I know it, but I also know, on the chess board, I'm expendable and wholly replaceable.
Why dos it matter?

in master of Judo 1, your last kick, were you kicked up from below and between his legs; you kicked like a club, you could have gotten more speed and power by contracting that knee. don't know if your leg would have survived though, I'm not to great at Judo myself.
Ack! Forgot to Crit hallipino and pure0001's Banners

The passes of the clan name is in duality, a ying yang if you will, a hooded angle facing down a demon is a nice choice, however, the Balrog was not the best demon to use. It's huge, duanting, and if I recall right, almost a fallen Demi-god, the anger is a messanger, so in terms of power, the angle is over mached, but that is not what makes it truly a questionable choice: it's not the yang to the Angel's Ying

The angle is in the mid ground and facing down his foe, the Balrog is in the background and looking at the view, the two are detached from each other and in no real conflict or the lest bit interested with each other. You might have better luck with a death-knight of some kind. A crumbling church ruin is a cliche but classic back drop if you want to have some faint background interest, Also, making the middle gradation point not be a simple horizontal line could also make it more interesting ;3

Nice choice, can't say to much about it, but you're making it to tall, banners are shorter and wide as a general rule. Also, it's kinda boring, it uses the same color of text for both pure and dark (hallipino added some verity and interest by using two kinds of text and having pure and dark in there repetitive colors.) Also, your banner faver's dark heavly, it's mostly black/very dark gray.
So, I would recomend croping some of the bottom off, passably draging the lower cloud up so it obscures some of the eclips and and shifting the leters onto the two orbs, that way Pure can be in white, or an other light color, and Dark can be black, or a dark color, and both will benefit from being naturally highlighted by their background.

@ Both
You could both get a bit of interest by making your pictures laterally off center by having the, middle gradation spot and the eclipse respectively, be leaning towards one side or the other.

That said, nice work and I hop this helps :3
Last edited by Zerith; Jan 13, 2011 at 06:12 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by thepureone View Post
ACCEPTED. and hallipino can you make a banner for this clan. Also stigma YES would love to be allies.

So, it's great

There is my other banner, I took the Ying and yang idea into effect.
They may not be professionally done, but im just trying to contribute to the clan as much as possible.
The words can be moved to wherever.
Well Im going to bed guys. Good night to all.
Last edited by hallipino; Jan 13, 2011 at 08:53 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Feels a lot more balanced :3
I like how the light source is compatible from the two pictures
But I must ask; why is the character that is representing pure darker then the character representing dark? I'm just trying to wrap my head around why you darkened him up, the highlights on the chaos champion are a lot lighter then the bald guy's highlights, and the Champion's highlight is an orangery yellow. Also, the halo around the pally's head darkens as it gets away from the Champion. While it should be the most pronounced next to a nexus of darkness, it should not be strongest there. (that said I do like having the light focused in the middle and then gradating into darkness as it lowers and fans out, alot more intresting then a perverbeal line in the sand, as seen in the last one)
You might have made the pally darker to add visual weight to him, but at the same time, the champion has the darkest darks; so by darkening the pally, to the point the pally no longer has the lightest lights, you've given the Champion more contrast then the pally, more contrast, means more interesting, and more interesting, means more visual weight. keeping the focus on the champion, becuse it has alot of yang next to the pally's diminished ying. I Would recommend brightening the pally back up and then comparing them back to back, the picture with the bright pally vs the picture with the darkened pally.

Also, if you darkened the pally to make the arial details towards the side more noticeable, it back fired, the champion's splash details are very faint, but generally cool looking, the pally's are out of place and highlight just how darkened he is, and he is an avatar of purity. instead of giving him shining paint splashes, try a faint sun beam or two. that feintly brighten up his already brightarea, keeps in line of the pure part of the clan name, unlike chaotic paint (Pallies who are darker then a champions of Chaos aren't pallies) ;p

Also, their light source is behind, between and above both of them

Hop it helps :3

Btw, Pure0001, I give that a 8/10, for 3 seconds of head air time XD
Last edited by Zerith; Jan 13, 2011 at 11:34 AM.