And here I thought we were a bunch of open-minded individuals. Kinda disappointed right now.
Silent, your error here is that your statements make it seem like you believe everyone who smokes and/or drinks is a fucking idiot. My first response to you dealt with that. And it's not true. Like I said before, I believe that anyone who drinks and doesn't hurt/kill anyone in the process should be allowed to do so. Why would I assume they are idiots right off the bat? Thinking in stereotypes will get you nowhere, you might as well assume that every American is stupid(a stereotype), every Arab is a terrorist(a stereotype) and that everyone from the Balkans is a lowly criminal peasant(another stereotype). Lumping every person who partakes in the same activity into one category is a huge flaw in logic and makes you seem narrow-minded, whether you want to accept it or not.
About you having made better choices than the people who smoke and drink. You haven't made better choices, you've made different choices. By choosing not to ever participate in such activities you've limited your personal experience of them immensely, the same way that I did. But you can't go telling a person who smokes that all it takes is willpower, that's pretty much obvious. However, you've never been addicted to nicotine. You've never had to overcome that particular addiction. You just assume that in the eventuality that you ever were addicted to it, you would have enough willpower to be able to quit it. You don't know that, you assume it. That shows that you have a high opinion of yourself and you believe you would fare better than the people who failed to quit it. Now there's nothing wrong with that, unless you start lecturing other people on how they're weak based solely on your assumed potential supremacy over them.
Originally Posted by
B: I never said it would work for everyone, but I am suggesting that you try. Or would you like to keep smoking? If you haven't tried it, how do you know that it will not work for everyone? Do you think that everyone is able to come up with a plan like that, or do you think that everyone just stops completely at once? If you think the latter, then of course no one will be able to quit, because they need their fix. I suggest that you try it before you criticize it, because if you succeed, then you have no one else to thank but me.
You speak as if you're an authority on the subject. You're not. You've never quit smoking. You've avoided starting it. I find it hard to believe that you don't think anyone who has ever wanted to quit smoking has been able to devise a similar or better plan and tried to follow it through.
Originally Posted by
C: As opposed to a "fake" smoker? Why is it in quotes? Why is it capitalized? God damnit, my grammar OCD is kicking in again, apologies. You should know what I'm talking about, it's not rocket science, and you should be insulted, because I feel insulted when I'm called judgemental or narrow-minded, if you feel oh so offended, then maybe you should try not to treat people the same way, eh? Also, I'm not a know-it-all, but I like to back up arguments with facts, instead of "look at me, I'm suffering, don't blame me, blame the drug". That crap is absolutely bogus, it's no one's fault that you are addicted to smoking but yourself, not your parents, not your friends, not the drug companies, just you. Also, I can use your point B against you here, just because it's so difficult for you to quit doesn't mean that it's impossible for others to quit. Try not to lump all smokers into a group of helpless infantile addicts.
Which is exactly what you're doing. Only your attack is more aimed at TRichard, while maintaining an air of supremacy. In this section you put a lot of words in his mouth, which I'm fairly sure he'd never say. He never denied that people have been able to quit smoking, he just stated that he hasn't been able to so far. I doubt you're more experienced than him in the art of quitting smoking. But this makes it seem like you think you are.
Originally Posted by
D: In case you haven't noticed, people die from smoking and drinking every day. Cancer of the brain, heart, liver, lungs, throat, drunk driving incidents, internal bleeding, heart attack, stroke, drowning in vomit, etc. This isn't in movies, this is happening down the street from me. Don't you dare tell me that I have no knowledge of the world today. How dare you consider me an ignorant member of society, when I'm making the right choices to improve the quality of my life and those around me, while you and your drug buddies are degrading yours day in and day out.
To my knowledge Richard never denied that these kinds of things happen in real-life too. However, those are extreme cases. If these things happened to the majority of drinkers, well ... we'd have very little drinkers alive, wouldn't we? He's not saying you're ignorant. He's merely remarking that speaking about things you have very little actual experience about doesn't make you seem all that credible. You assume that he is degrading himself, and you assume that he has "drug buddies" that do the same. Now you don't know how much he drinks, you don't know how much he smokes, and you don't know what kind of people he keeps as company. So you're basically insulting him solely based on preconceived notions. In no way is this rational.
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I can call them idiots when it means that they have committed themselves to a life of constant health degradation. Willingly, I might add, because I have heard of no one who was forced to take drugs or drink alcohol. Just like you might call someone who jaywalks across a congested highway multiple times a day an idiot, because they put their lives in danger whenever they do it, I call a person who gets smashed several times a week an idiot for the same reason.
I've been free-climbing for 5-6 years. That's climbing without any safety gear at all on places where a fall often means instant death. Judging by what you've said, that would make me an idiot, since I'm basically risking my life for nothing that you can understand. Because you're different than I am, and unless you have a way to experience it through my eyes it wouldn't mean the same to you. Now this hobby of mine is not detrimental to anyone, so maybe you would disregard it's relative insanity and apparent purposelessness. If everything you don't understand is immediately classified as idiotic, you can't expect anyone to take your reasoning seriously.
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I have made stupid decisions, yes, but never of that caliber that I would consider myself an idiot. Not doing my homework would be a bad decision, but I wouldn't call myself an idiot, and probably no one would. I may be lazy, but not an idiot.
Again, showing nothing but respect here, I have called no one narrow-minded, no one a "know it all", no one judgemental. Who's mature now?
You've grouped smokers and drinkers into the same bag of "addicts" and you've called them all weak-willed idiots. Hardly the highest level of maturity.
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I act as if I made better choices than they did, which I have, since I'm not addicted to alcohol or drugs.
Furthermore, me calling drinkers idiots is my opinion, it has nothing to do with maturity. I could say that all black people are funny, but that's my opinion, it doesn't make me any more or less mature based upon my answer.
Just because they're people doesn't mean we can give them the benefit of the doubt. Just like we don't give terrorists the benefit of the doubt even though they're humans as well.
You haven't made better choices than anyone who's drinking or smoking habits haven't had negative consequences on anyone but him/herself. I would agree with you that ultimately I feel it's better to not drink and/or smoke. But that's just how I feel. Attempting to use facts to somehow prove your opinion "right" while disregarding everything that can be used against it is not the way to go. The facts are these - not all drinkers/smokers are idiots. And you've called them just that.
Originally Posted by
Oh, so you're telling us our opinions make us immature and your opinions don't make you immature. You make PERFECT sense man.
Some presidents are alcoholics. Yeah, you made better decisions than them bro.
This is kinda useless, no? Assuming presidents are better than the average person doesn't make much sense. They just have or have had power at one point in time. And America has had it's fair share or moronic presidents. Just like many other countries.
@Silent: You know I respect you. I respect everyone in this clan. However, what was a civil discussion in the beginning started turning into a flame war of you vs everyone else. Your views are a bit too extreme(so are mine), but you can't expect everyone to share them. Nor is anyone obliged to agree with you, especially when they don't feel your arguments are objective enough to be taken seriously. It seems you would ban drinking or smoking altogether. Does anyone seriously follow you around in a drunken stupor or with the sole purpose of blowing smoke in your face? Does anyone force you to go to bars or nightclubs? I doubt it. Those are choices you can make. If anyone doesn't want to get in a car where the driver is drunk, I hardly think he/she is capable of forcing them.
Two things, however:
1)If parents constantly smoke around their children, that is an idiotic thing to do. Forcing your kid to breathe polluted air is moronic. When the child is old enough to choose, it can choose whether or not to be around people who smoke.
2)If gets into an accident and kills people while DUI, the punishment should be severe. I'm talking life imprisonment or worse. Everyone should be forced to take responsibilities for their actions, regardless of their mental state at the time. If I were to harm a stranger because I was angry at something that happened to me(completely unrelated to him/her, my anger wouldn't justify my actions and I should accept full responsibility.
Last edited by lordtiger; Dec 15, 2012 at 08:56 PM.
Reason: Minor edits to a sentence or two.