Secret Santa 2024
well that's a load of shit to do
guess i'll do it later then
made something just now which looks pretty kewl

asdf just noticed i hadnt removed a line in the left part but whatever

cage the gargoyle
Originally Posted by Kradel View Post
3D baws. Why you have to be pro? I really need a pic though Soak needs a pic.

heh before I colored it it was trippy as fuck tho
it was 3d in 2 ways like wtf
cage the gargoyle
Such a hard choice lol.

My Samsung S5 makes a cool bubble noise everytime you click something. #bubbleswag
w0w much samsung such bubbles so 420yoloswag

and I'm gonna look up alot of tutorials tonight for making art xD
cage the gargoyle
Plz do, I want a sexy avatar

I just discovered something a few days ago. In the gaming universe, the only fanboys that exist are...PS4 FANBOYS! Well, not psychologically but more of the way they show it.

In every video I have watched on PS4 vs Xbox. You get a shit load of PS4 fans who feel the need to hate on Xbox as they write their comment. Such as 'PS4 has better tech stuff, much sweg. Xbox sucks'. Add the Xbox supporters type something such as 'I don't care about spec, I still love my Xbox'. ITS TRUE TOO! I would say there are a few PC fanboys but we call them PC Elitists.

Sorry if any of you have a PS4 or PS3 or whatever but look for yourself. I was even watching some videos on the Xbox youtube channel and there where a few comments from PS4 fanboys who came over to hate. Us Xbox players don't really have anything to hate about on the PS4. While PS4 can hate on the one thing we don't have...which is like 1 less tech thingy they have that we don't ;(


oops wrong slogan.


none of these are actually accurate...ahh fuck it.