Secret Santa 2024
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
Lucky son of a bitch!
I'm going from 2gb ram to 4gb ram and your going to 50?!
Thats super beast hosting a server for a whole town sorta power

Lol I know=) I had 2Gb now I have 6Gb so I am gonna buy a hardrive of 250Gb but convert that memory into ram but only 50Gb lol=) and i am getting a SD card of 16Gb what will add 14Gb of ram lol=) this makes my laptop powerfull again lol
Mine is 99.4 Gb but convert That memory, but at Christmas I will get a PC with 500GB and with Geforce
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
Wait a moment.. You can do that? Because I have a 500gb harddrive thats not being used :S

Yes but if you have windows vista you will only get about 3Gb of that or less but if you have wondows 7 you could get 200Gb =P
Originally Posted by assasin99 View Post
Yes but if you have windows vista you will only get about 3Gb of that or less but if you have wondows 7 you could get 200Gb =P

OH BOY I'm a windows 7 user, its external if that matters, so how do I do it brah
Or are we talking virtual RAM, because my Uncle has a beast computer that he enters in computer making competitions and you need one of these metal things with wheels to move it xD

Its a walking fire hazard and he said he wanted to reach 200gb RAM without Virtual Ram, :S
Last edited by souldevilj; Dec 17, 2011 at 11:54 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
OH BOY I'm a windows 7 user, its external if that matters, so how do I do it brah
Or are we talking virtual RAM, because my Uncle has a beast computer that he enters in computer making competitions and you need one of these metal things with wheels to move it xD

Its a walking fire hazard and he said he wanted to reach 200gb RAM without Virtual Ram, :S

Idk I dont know anything about that lol Just plug it in and it should say something like increse sistem speed or something (In spanish Aumentar velocidad del sistema) like that click it and then read what comes up okis?=)

Ps. my laptop is in spanish lol
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
ps my pc doesn't do that :P

Lol it shoul come up when it says if you want to open it has a folder
Yeah I can open it as a folder :S
Last edited by souldevilj; Dec 17, 2011 at 05:23 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I will not be, but this miniash did not like that back because it has a white belt I think it worth wasting time.
Thinking I ...