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Any tips on Singed? Besides:
-q and run circles
-don't "e" enemies into low hp ally
-RoA for first big item
- ghost + r + w + q = trolololo
Laning: Try to conserve mana. Keep an eye on your jungler if he looks like he's coming top, save enough for atleast a fling and slow.
Don't engage enemies for harrasment if you are going to take a lot more damage (Unless you have reasonable health regen, and they do not. Space out the damage)
Farming: While pushing, if top leaves the lane and you feel safe, go behind the enemy turret and keep the enemy minions there. Poison on. Free minion waves, remember your limits. Do not over extend often.
Farming: Middle of lane, Conserve mana, don't waste it too often, at rank 4 poison you should be able to kill caster minions with 1 apply of poison. Position yourself, quick turn on and off.
Farming: While pushed, timing your auto attacks. Caster minions require 1 hit after being hit by the turret. While normal minions require 2 turret hits first. Pretty standard stuff.
Jungling: Pre blue buff. Turn your poison off and on rapidly, saves mana. Position self so you do not need to move to spread poison onto all the targets (Line of sight the golem / lizard)
Most of all; Be crazy and learn your limits. The more risky you can be on singed, the higher it will pay off. Hoping the enemy gets greedy is your best friend.