Unknown's Secret Code
Let's all speak in my secret code! It's used by saying/typing/writing two letter mini words for each letter in the alphabet. Sangriento already won the contest, so now I'm giving it away!
Here they are in alphabetical order, with proper pronounciation in parenthesis:
Ao (ayo) Be (bay) Ci (see) De (day) Eo (eeyo) Fi (fee) Go (go) Hi (hee) Ie (I.E.) Jo (jo) Ki (kee) Le (lay) Me (may) Ni (nee) Oi (oy) Pe (pay) Qi (quee) Ro (row) Se (say) Ti (tee) Ue (yuee) Vo (vo) Wi (wee) Xi (zi) Ye (yay) Zo (zo)
Notice the many Spanish references!
Last edited by Unknown; Apr 3, 2009 at 04:20 AM.