-Age: 18
-Past Clans: Vector
-Past accounts/Alt accounts: DawnLotus
-Why do you still play Toribash today?:
Old memories mainly. I have alot of friends on the game so im always drawn towards it. I also like how it makes you think, as the learning curve was pretty steep at the beginning. Now playing toribash is like riding a bike, ill never forget how to do it ;)
-What do you hope to achieve, accomplish in the future as a player of Toribash?:
I want to see the toribash community come back to life. I miss when the game had full servers all around and the community was tight asf (basically before steam lmao). As a player I want to continue to find new cool tricks for people to do. I want to continue to be as unique as people in how I mas and spar.
-Why do you want to join [eVo]?:
Yall some cool dudes ngl. I went inactive while I was in basic training, and when I came back I found that alot of my friends had joined eVo.
-What can you bring to [eVo]?:
I can replay make, and I plan on doing some streaming soon.
-Do you have any friends in [eVo]? If so who?: Kouta, Azazel, and Shikkumo
Im already in the eVo discord, my discord is lameboysharp#8097
Last edited by Turnsie; Jan 19, 2019 at 11:29 PM.