Originally Posted by VIT0R View Post
Ben is a little literal, isn't?

Originally Posted by Saint View Post
Oh, that's just ben. Sometimes he passes by, says something, and goes away. High man.

Originally Posted by Sicks View Post
If he actually say something that makes sense, please contact the mods, someone probably hacked his account.

Originally Posted by VIT0R View Post
I remember the name qq5ben.
But I can't remember this non-sense thing.
That's nice, actually.

Who doesn't love crazy people?

Originally Posted by Saint View Post
He's not crazy, he's just on drugs. I hardly imagine him in normal state

Originally Posted by Mookiefish View Post
Ben is black, with an afro if I recall.


I don't have an afro anymore... I got a buzzcut like a year ago
Originally Posted by Yourface View Post
VITOR, you remember the name qq5ben because he's the oldest fag in here.

well, I don't want to argue about that, but damn I would love to actually check old un-official piratez DSC and see who was oldest member
Lol. My friends had a record of smoking weed 54 days in a row. And they did that before school, in school, after school like 3 times at least. I wonder how much money did they spend on that.