Secret Santa 2024
Originally Posted by tricerafi View Post
i already retired playing yu gi oh since i was 12 years old now im 14 years old

My story exactly!
Can we have link to this Yu Gi Oh game?
I don't mind if I can do it at home over the internet :S
Going to the competitions my self was a drag
Huh, didn't see you guys a long time ;) but I can't visit this forum often :/


thx, you didn't kick me ;-) I'll try post here sometimes, but I can't do it often... muuch school - I don't have time for live because of exams etc...

So... Any news from our Clan?
also I'll donate Guardians, where should I send TC?
I noticed you were gone, I was going to bring it up in the inactive section to check if you were still on Toribash :S
Good to have you back, not much going on really, we just got a few new members and we got our Oldest Member back
And he has made a so far successful Guardians Art and Replay Academy
I noticed you were gone, I was going to bring it up in the inactive section to check if you were still on Toribash :S
Good to have you back, not much going on really, we just got a few new members and we got our Oldest Member back

well, I'm here but I'm rare active member. Also nice to have back our Oldest Member ;p
he has made a so far successful Guardians Art and Replay Academy

Huh ;-) I'll check it
the oldest member that Soul talk about is Assasin
And you still go to school?how sucks is your school it holiday time man
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
So, when will your holiday end?
Mine ends on Jan 4

Some secret of mine

Bet you didn't know, this is a signature
And you still go to school?how sucks is your school it holiday time man

Yeah, my school is 10months, already it's 4th month of school.
And it's shitty time for holiday here ;p we've got winter! xD
Originally Posted by raddemon9 View Post
So, when will your holiday end?
Mine ends on Jan 4

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