sometimes when I get annoying teammates I get demotivated and fuck up a lot more though
that's just you needing to not get tilted
sometimes if I get destroyed multiple times I'll usually tilt for a few rounds, but the more I play the shorter time it takes for me to reset
if you have annoying teammates there really isn't much you can do. If they are mic spamming and shit, mute them. If they are just assholes then TRY to ignore them and still listen to their callouts and callout back at them, don't shit talk them and they might actually chill out. There are multiple times where my teammate is being a jerk but after a few rounds of (important NOT BEING A JERK BACK they start to actually be a decent teammate.
I haven't been playing much, but seems like MG is easier than Nova.
Nova people tended to have a little more gamesense than MG guys but the mg2/mge guys have way better aim.
Uwot, that makes no sense. Or maybe its just that higher ranks have generally higher everything. If I said "LEMs have better game sense but globals have better aim" that would make no sense. I can confidently say that MGs nor GNs have almost no aim or game sense at all, but if I'd have to choose, MGs have better both.
Also on the topic of playing with friends. Now that I've been playing alot with a team, even 3-4 man ques feel like nightmare. It's spoilt me, can't seem to enjoy solo/duoque as much anymore.
I know it makes almost no sense, but when I've been playing I've noticed that most of the lower ranks are out fragging, etc and generally the highest rank tends to do the worst. Also I was more or less talking about like Nova 3-4 having generally better gamesense than most MGs/MG2s, they just don't know how to aim and shoot people correctly yet. :C