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Originally Posted by Takari View Post
Sorry bro. Just make sure you at least have some proof before accusing someone. Oh and I finally found the perfect name.


P.S., I can't skype tonight, will be in Fayetteville (I don't live here).

Originally Posted by vBulletv View Post
Lets say Dyrisk scammed somebody.

OBJECTION! Dyrisk is a wizard. He doesn't need money.
Last edited by Toolfree; Oct 12, 2013 at 12:51 AM.
my clan was deleted
Originally Posted by vBulletv View Post
Can you tell me what was facepalm worthy in my sentence? I am just telling them the facts.

Mainly the fact that you should've picked this up before you told the leader to not invite him back, even though he doesn't want to come back.
You will be sent an invite.
Feel free to find us ingame, chat over Skype and of course, post on the forum. We will not "test" you, per say. You must go out of your way to impress us.
Dyrisk: Do sluts call their private parts..Public parts?
Zandėr: No, they call it "Business Assets"
Originally Posted by Soap View Post
Congrats on trial, Dyrisk. I think you'd make a great GM.

Also, Walking dead on Sunday. Anyone gonna watch?

Didnt know he made trial gm, goodluck on becoming a full time gm and I hope to see you doing a good job as trial. Probably wont watch walking dead on sunday, although it is a good series.
Just saw Qubic was accepted as well, he seems like he would make a good gm based on when ive seen him doing.
Last edited by Laser; Oct 12, 2013 at 05:43 AM.
Originally Posted by Soap View Post
Bullet: It doesn't matter anyway, because he left the clan on his own..

Lexii: Sorry to hear that. What did you hurt?

Also, as I said, I go to my specialist on the 23rd of October, and I should be able to post more often soon after that. I also start physical therapy soon, and I might get on home-bound (I stay at home and do school work at my house).

Soccer injuries.. lol broke an ankle
Rubberz<3|Rekd<3|Bolty<3|Assazin<3|Dartzz<3|soap<3 |Hammy<3|Mj<3|Kujey<33|Noobeh<3|Ulti<3|Gunz<3|Nin< 3|
Dyrisk thinks he's better than us :L u just saw him in an only gm server with thron and ryan and such
♥Team Aikido-[Obey]-OoT-[Vibe]-Team Pokemon♥
Okay. We missed the topic of the week last week, but to make up for it, we've got a good one for this time. Some of you probably heard some of this discussion in the Skype chat already, but it's a good topic and never really got sufficiently answered.

Morality: Is it subjective or objective? While your own religious views may very well affect your opinion on this, I'd like to ask that we try and not get into specifically religious debates as those tend to be a breeding ground for animosity. I know it's an easy transition to make in the course of the debate, but I trust we can all be mature and have a real, meaningful conversation without letting personal beliefs get between us.