A few things on the upcoming patch:
If Kog'maw's R scales with ap over 1.0, he is going to be a godlike ranged nuker. The range on his R is longer than Kayle's shield.
Ashe will be the best champion, no questions asked. Barely nerfing her other abilities and giving her hawk shot is stupid and she will become brokenly good.
Veigar will become a usable champion again, and a decent mage, up from where he sits now as a useless POS.
Healing got generally nerfed, Soraka got hit pretty damn hard. Banshee's veil's spellshield is now broken by more stuff that used to go through before. Buy banshee's veil. Merc's treads were slightly nerfed.
The defensive metagame was nerfed slightly, making the offensive metagame stronger, which I personally enjoy.
But christ, Ashe is going to be stupid powerful.