Originally Posted by
Thors can't even win against mutas, because of magic box. Mutas are so fast, that they can attack anywhere, and marines are too slow to defend, and even stim won't even catch up to them.
Thors + marines = dead mutas
Thors + SCV's defend a base, you need like 50 mutas to out dps repair
1 thor by itself loses to muta
Originally Posted by
The ling bling can beat hellions now, because they are too weak to stand a chance, and now can get killed really easy for doing no damage at all.
Lings + blings in no way counter hellions
the only way thats possible is if you get a good surround or he runs into blings, a smart terran wont lose them that easily
Originally Posted by
You can't play standard Terran vs a lategame Zerg. It's just not possible, unless you do TONS of earlygame damage. You want to go mech? Mass mutas can counter it.
Mass mutas in NO way counter mech, if you have 4/5 thors mutas wont stand a chance. Also ghosts are AMAZING vs lategame zerg, snipe broodlords and emp infestors
But generally you want to put zerg under some pressure, or they will just get out of hand, its the nature of the race. (Or have a REALLY strong timing)
Originally Posted by
Even if he goes ling bling, without mutas, he will still win because they are too fast for the Terran to do basically any damage. Hellions can't do anything anymore, Thors are completely useless, Siege tanks can get killed by mutas and lings fast, and mauraders can't do anything at all. Marines, they get killed by banelings. Terran is weak against anything that zerg can throw. If mutas cannot magic box Thors, maybe I can reconsider like 5% of zerg being NOT op.
Ling bling is in NO way invincible, you need some form of support a good strategic push will shit all over it, Tanks positioned well with marines around so he cant snipe with mutas.
Marauders are used against roaches, and counter them amazingly and aren't hard to get to (tech lab so hard to make / switch for)
Hellions are still REALLY good
Thors are really good, but almost anything alone isnt that good, you need a diverse army
Siege tanks positioned well with marine support are amazing.
Terran is AMAZING once you get to a level where good terrans start utilizing drops you'll see why.
This is all coming from a masters league zerg who switched from terran.
At low levels some things seem OP, but thats just because players don't know / have the ability to counter them