Name (Real name): Max
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Gmt: +1
Belt: Blue (sorry for it) Brown was hacked
Why do you want to join: Because your clan is very cool
Past Clans: Onyx
Why did you leave your past clan?: Because oleader was very strange 0_0
What can you offer? : I dont know
What underwear color?: im in Pijama =)
If your Uncle Jack got stuck on an elephant, would you help your Uncle Jack off?: My uncles name is George
Invited by some one?: =( no
Special Skills?: Can draw portraits
Are you a funny guy? Prove it:
There is an American, a German, and a Mexican. They are in all in a boat. The boat is about to sink. Each of them have to throw things out to make the boat lighter.
The German throws out 4 cases of beer and says, “We have a lot of bear in Germany so we don’t need these!”
The Mexican throws out 5 cases of burritos and says, “We have a lot of burritos in Mexico so we don’t need these!”
The American grabs the Mexican and throws him out.
The German asks why he threw the Mexican out.
And the American replies, “We have a lot of Mexicans in America so we don’t need him!.”
Playercard:Qi 450/75%win/global rank 1495
Sp/mp replays: in next message
lol sorry, i cant post my replay. My skype maksim.tihij
Last edited by oldRapper; Jun 28, 2013 at 02:51 PM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump