Originally Posted by Snook View Post
Oh really? pffft one minute ( or maybe it a bit more)

It was a bit more. ~ Sarutobi

Meh something else instead, can't find the one I did before D;.

LOl very nice bro

Originally Posted by Snook View Post
This, as promised in general discussion.

Made for some cheap tc lol.

very easy :>
Indeed, 30 min animations . Thanks for the comments though from all!

Working on some stop motion atm and finishing a project in college for next monday.
I'll post them when I can.
Yeah the parkour was.... meh. I'll upload it when I get home at the weekend.
And managed to make a toribash version of my project haha. It's made using traditional methods with an animation disc which isn't my specialty, but I think it came out alright .

Uploads will be at the weekend (no pc/laptop here so have to wait .)
New deviantart account \o/ (the old one shall not be named! haha)

Here's some eye cancer for you.
Uploading pretty much everything I have, old and new, so keep a look out if you're interested in seeing some weird animations. Most of the stuff I've uploaded so far was just on an old usb so they're all old animations.