Secret Santa 2024
Меня зовут Андрей мне 14лет через 4 дня будет 15 в торибаш играю не много но уже не плохо проявил себя на кв в прошлом клане под названием (Orion) мой ник Andrewka1 я black belt. Любимые моды: мушу абд рк-ма боксмушу леншу. Надеюсь на скорейшее рассмотрение заявки)

"Fun Mod Tourney"

Event Server:
Type /jo JackAzzEvent When in game to join
The mod will be beg_ballgore because who dosent like that mod


Starts on Jan. 9th (if we will have min. 10 participants)
There will be a total of 4 tourneys one every week
Last edited by iBash; Jan 6, 2016 at 04:48 PM.
Originally Posted by Sc1ence01 View Post
Hey guys since our clans are allies, i'll just hangout with you bros. BTW how's it going?

Hey Sc1ence01, we are find. Btw ill add you update you to the allie board soon. Cuz im working on a new clan desing and a big clan update.
The average human body contains enough human bones to make up an entire human skeleton... loll wut? xD
Hi guys!
Sunther here
I have this problem my forum doesnt seem to update my ingame activity i just fought someone today and its still stuck on jan 1 any help?